Places to run in Malta

Running Trails in Malta

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For a tiny island which is just 27 km long and 14 km wide, blessed with sunny weather almost all year round and various historic sites to explore, Malta has lots of different options to offer to runners, hikers and joggers. Looking at Malta's landscape there is quite a number of alternatives for trail lovers who are keen to explore historic sites and breathtaking views. It's not an easy task but here under you will find where trail runners can feel in their element: from waterfront paths to "running sightseeing" tours to explore Malta's archaeological sites.

Mdina streets

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Feeling the history and the silence around you while running it's a blessing that some locations have and this particular power is something not to be missed for a runner looking to explore a new place. Mdina is one of those places where you can actually experience it. It might be the soft colours, the narrow streets, the shiny cobblestone pavement and the brownish city walls that creates this magic atmosphere.

Valletta Coast line

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Malta provides different running routes and being an island gives you different choices in terms of sceneries: from the coast line to the inland, from the little villages to the countryside. Running next to the sea along the promenade is what you generally speaking would expect and the most convenient route if you keep in mind "safety first" as they say. But challenging routes within the countryside with no tarmac is always a temptation to not miss.

Windmill Malta

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It's not an easy task to come up with the top 3 places where I would recommend any runner to hit the road in Malta since everyone has some preferences. There are runners who are very keen to run just along the sea so a nice promenade will make them happy, while others are more into the action with some countryside routes to explore. Then there are also the city lovers who prefer to run into streets and passing by monuments and buildings.

Malta International Challenge

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If you are looking for a different to way to explore new places in Malta and in the same time challenge yourself running a Marathon split in three days then the Malta International Challenge is the race to take part. It might be good way to measure your endurance running 3 days in raw starting with 10 Miles then on the following day a fast run covering 5 Kilometres and finishing off the competition with an Half Marathon.

Fort St.Angelo

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As a runner I am always looking for a good reason to run  (apart from training) because I love to explore different places, so if you are planning your next vacation in  Malta you should not miss this experience. The running route I most enjoy if I want to dive deep into the Maltese history, more precisely back to the Medieval times and the Knights of Malta, is the Three Cities route.

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Running Tours Malta - Unique Experience

Running Tours Malta is your private running tour that will make sure you get your exercise even during your holiday. This a unique chance to visit and get to know Malta through a different perspective. You get the opportunity to run along the best scenic routes that Malta has to offer and get a feel for the island like a local runner.

While travelling you can keep up your running habits and discover the Maltese countryside at the same time. We'll match your pace so every runner is more than welcome to join our tours: from the easy going runner to the athlete on vacation and trail runners! So lace up your running shoes and select one of the scenic tours that Running Tours Malta has prepared for you with much dedication and experience. Let us make this running experience a great one, so you can go back home with a luggage-full of great memories.